Ro 1:1 Paul, servant of Christ Jesus, called apostle, separated for good news from God,
Ro 1:2 which He fore-promised by His prophets in holy scriptures
Ro 1:3 about His Son who was born from David’s seed from flesh,
Ro 1:4 of whom, appointed Son of God in power by spirit of holiness by resurrection of the dead, of Jesus Christ our Lord,
Ro 1:5 through whom we received grace and apostleship for obedience of faith in all the nations for His name,
Ro 1:6 among whom you are, even you, called of Jesus Christ,
Ro 1:7 to all who are in Rome beloved of God, called saints, grace to you and peace from God our Father and of Lord Jesus Christ.
Ro 1:8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ about all of you, that your faith is proclaimed in the whole world.
Ro 1:9 For my witness is God, for whom I serve in my spirit in the good news of His Son, as unceasingly remembrance of you I make,
Ro 1:10 always upon my prayers, asking if how now or ever I will succeed by the will of God to come to you.
Ro 1:11 For I long to see you, that I may impart some spiritual gift to you to establish you,
Ro 1:12 this then is to be encouraged with you through the faith in one another, both yours and mine.
Ro 1:13 I wish not then you to be ignorant, brothers, that often I planned to come to you, and was hindered until now; that some fruit I may have also in you, just as also in the remaining nations.
Ro 1:14 To both Greeks and barbarians, to both wise and foolish, a debtor I am,
Ro 1:15 thus this against my eagerness also for you, those in Rome, to proclaim the good news.
Ro 1:16 For I shame not over the good news, for the power of God is for salvation for everyone believing, for Jew first and also for Greek.
Ro 1:17 Justice indeed from God in it is revealed from faith to faith, just as written, “The just then by faith shall live.”
Ro 1:18 For revealed is the wrath of God from Heaven upon all impiety and injustice of men who the truth in injustice suppress,
Ro 1:19 because the known of God shown is in them; for God showed them.
Ro 1:20 For His invisibles from creation of world, by these made, perceiving see clearly, both His eternal power and divinity, for them to be indefensible,
Ro 1:21 because knowing God not as God they glorified or thanked, but were futile in their dialogues; and their senseless heart darkened.
Ro 1:22 Claiming to be wise, they became foolish,
Ro 1:23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God in form of an image of corruptible man and birds and quadrupeds and reptiles.
Ro 1:24 Therefore, God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts, to impurity to dishonor their bodies among them;
Ro 1:25 those who changed the truth of God with the lie and worshipped and served the creation beside the one creating, who is blessed into the ages, amen.
Ro 1:26 Through this God delivered them to dishonorable passions, for also their females changed the natural use for that against nature,
Ro 1:27 similarly, so also the males leaving the natural use of the female were inflamed with their longing for one another, male with male the shamelessness workings and the recompence which is necessary from their delusion in themselves receiving.
Ro 1:28 And just as they glorified not God to hold with knowledge, God delivered them to a debased mind, to do the unfitting,
Ro 1:29 filled with every injustice, wickedness, covetousness, evil; filled with envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; gossips,
Ro 1:30 slanderers, god-haters, insolents, arrogants, boasters, contrivers of evil, to parents disobedients;
Ro 1:31 senseless, untrustworthy, affectionless, pitiless;
Ro 1:32 those who the commandments of God knowing, that those such as these practicing are worthy of death, not only these do but also approve the practices.
Ro 2:1 Therefore indefensible are you, O man, each one judging; for in what you judge the other, yourself you condemn, for these same you practice, one judging.
Ro 2:2 We see then that the judgment of God is in truth upon those, these such practicing.
Ro 2:3 Reckon you then this, O man, one judging those these such practicing and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God?
Ro 2:4 Or of the wealth of His goodness and tolerance and patience you despise, not knowing that the good from God to repentance leads you?
Ro 2:5 Against then your hardness and unrepentant heart, you store for yourself anger in day of anger and revelation of the just-judgment of God,
Ro 2:6 who “will render to each by his works,”
Ro 2:7 to those indeed by perseverance of good work, glory and honor and incorruptibility seeking, life eternal,
Ro 2:8 to those then from ambition and disobeying the truth, obeying then injustice, anger and wrath;
Ro 2:9 tribulation and distress upon every soul of man working the evil, of both Jew first, also of Greek,
Ro 2:10 glory then and honor and peace to everyone working the good, to both Jew first, also to Greek;
Ro 2:11 For there is no partiality with God.
Ro 2:12 For as many as lawlessly sin, lawlessly also will perish, and as many as with law sin, by law will be judged;
Ro 2:13 for not hearers of law, just with God, but the doers of law will be justified.
Ro 2:14 For when the nations having no law, by nature do law, these, law not having, to themselves are law;
Ro 2:15 those who show the work of the law written in their hearts, co-testifying of them from the conscience also with one another of the reasonings accusing or even defending,
Ro 2:16 in the day when God judges the secrets of men according to my good news through Christ Jesus.
Ro 2:17 If then you call yourself “Judean” and rest upon law and boast in God
Ro 2:18 and know the will and approve the essentials, being instructed by the law,
Ro 2:19 having been persuaded and yourself to be guide of the blind, light of those in darkness,
Ro 2:20 educator of the foolish, teacher of infants, having the formation of the knowledge and the truth in the law;
Ro 2:21 one therefore teaching another, yourself you teach not? One preaching not to steal, steal you?
Ro 2:22 One saying not to commit adultery, commit you adultery? One abhorring idols, rob you temples?
Ro 2:23 Who to boast in law, through the transgression of the law dishonors God;
Ro 2:24 Indeed, “the name of God through you is blasphemed among the nations,” just as written.
Ro 2:25 For circumcision indeed helps, if law you practice, if then a transgressor of law you are, your circumcision has become uncircumcision.
Ro 2:26 If therefore the uncircumcision the regulations of the law guards, will not his uncircumcision as circumcision be reckoned?
Ro 2:27 And he will judge, one by nature uncircumcision, the law purposing, you who by letter and circumcision a transgressor of law.
Ro 2:28 Indeed, one in the appearance is not Judean, neither one in the appearance in flesh, circumcision;
Ro 2:29 but one in the secret, Judean, and circumcision of heart in spirit not letter, of whom the approval, not from men but from God.
Ro 3:1 What therefore, the advantage of the Judean or what, the benefit of circumcision?
Ro 3:2 Much in every way. First then that they were entrusted with the words of God.
Ro 3:3 What indeed? If some disbelieved, their faithlessness will not nullify the faith of God?
Ro 3:4 May it not be; let God be then true, every man then a liar, just as it is written,
“That you would be just in your words,
And conquer in your judgment.”
Ro 3:5 If then our justice commends the justice of God, what shall we say? God, not unjust bringing on the wrath? I speak according to man.
Ro 3:6 May it not be; otherwise how will God judge the world?
Ro 3:7 If then the truth of God in my lie abounded to His glory, why yet am I also judged as sinner?
Ro 3:8 and not also as we are slandered and also as some say us to say, “So let us do the evil, that the good may come”? from whom the judgment is with justice.
Ro 3:9 What therefore? Are we excelled? Not at all; we charged indeed both Judeans and Greeks all to be under sin,
Ro 3:10 just as written that,
“None is just, not even one,
Ro 3:11 Not one is understanding,
Not one is seeking God.
Ro 3:12 All turned away while becoming worthless;
Not one is doing good,
There is not even one.
Ro 3:13 Tomb having been opened, their throat,
with their tongues deceiving,
Poison of asps, under their lips;
Ro 3:14 Whose mouth from curse and bitterness full,
Ro 3:15 Swift their feet to shed blood,
Ro 3:16 Destruction and misery in their paths,
Ro 3:17 And peace’s way they knew not.
Ro 3:18 Is no fear of God before their eyes.”
Ro 3:19 We see then that whatever the Law says to them, in the Law it speaks, that every mouth be closed and under justice come all the world to God;
Ro 3:20 because from works of law shall no flesh be justified before Him, for through law, knowledge of sin.
Ro 3:21 Now then apart from law, justice from God has appeared, being testified to by the Law and the prophets,
Ro 3:22 justice then from God through faith from Jesus Christ to all those believing. There is indeed no distinction,
Ro 3:23 all indeed sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Ro 3:24 being justified, a gift by His grace, through the redemption, that in Christ Jesus;
Ro 3:25 who God displayed, propitiation through faith in His blood for proof of His justice, through the passing over of the previous sins
Ro 3:26 in the clemency of God, for the proof of His justice in this present time, for which to be Himself just and justifying one by faith from Jesus.
Ro 3:27 Where then the boast? Excluded. Through what kind of law? Of the works? No, rather through law from faith.
Ro 3:28 We indeed count just by faith man apart from works of law.
Ro 3:29 Or, the God of Judeans only? Not also of nations? Yes also of nations,
Ro 3:30 if indeed one, the God who will justify the circumcision out of faith and uncircumcision through the faith.
Ro 3:31 Law then we nullify through the faith? May it not be; rather law we establish.
Ro 4:1 What then shall we say Abraham to have found, our forefather according to flesh?
Ro 4:2 If indeed Abraham from works was justified, he has a boast, but not before God.
Ro 4:3 What then says scripture? “Abraham then believed God and it was counted to him as justice.”
Ro 4:4 To then one working, the wage is not counted according to grace, but according to debt,
Ro 4:5 to then one not working, believing then upon the one justifying the impious, His faith is counted as justice;
Ro 4:6 just as also David says the blessing of the man for whom God counts justice apart from works,
Ro 4:7 “Blessed, whose lawlessnesses were forgiven
and whose sins were covered;
Ro 4:8 Blessed, the man of whom the Lord would not count sin.”
Ro 4:9 This blessing therefore, upon the circumcision or also upon the uncircumcision? We say indeed, “Faith was counted to Abraham as justice.”
Ro 4:10 How therefore was it counted? In circumcision, being, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.
Ro 4:11 And he took the sign of circumcision, seal from the justice of the faith, the which in the uncircumcision, so to be himself the father of all those believing through uncircumcision, for the justice to be counted to them also;
Ro 4:12 and father of the circumcision to those not from circumcision only, but also to those walking in the tracks of one in uncircumcision, from faith, of our father Abraham.
Ro 4:13 Not indeed through law, the promise to Abraham or to his seed, he to be heir of the world, but through faith’s justice.
Ro 4:14 If indeed these, heirs from law, the faith is empty and the promise nullified;
Ro 4:15 the law indeed works-down wrath; where then no law is, neither then transgression.
Ro 4:16 Through this, from faith, that by grace, so to be firm the promise to all the seed, not this from the law only but also for the one from the faith of Abraham, who is father of us all,
Ro 4:17 just as written that, “Father of many nations I have placed you,” down-before Him, he believed God, one making-alive the dead and calling the things not being as being.
Ro 4:18 Who from hope upon hope believed to become himself father of many nations according what had been said, “Thus shall be your seed,”
Ro 4:19 and not weakened in faith, he considered his body already dead, being some hundred-years-old, and the death of the womb of Sarah;
Ro 4:20 in then the promise of God he judged not with the faithless, but empowered with faith, giving glory to God
Ro 4:21 and fully convinced, that what He had promised, He is able also to do.
Ro 4:22 And therefore it was credited to him as justice.
Ro 4:23 It was not written then because of him only, that it was credited to him
Ro 4:24 but also because of us, to whom it was about to be credited, to those believing upon the One raising Jesus our Lord from the dead,
Ro 4:25 Who was delivered because of our offences and raised for our justification.
Ro 5:1 Being justified therefore by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
Ro 5:2 through whom also we have the access by faith into this grace in which we stand and boast over the hope of the glory of God.
Ro 5:3 Not only then, but also we boast in the tribulations, seeing that the tribulation works out endurance,
Ro 5:4 the endurance then proof, the proof then hope.
Ro 5:5 The hope then shames not, because the love of God is poured out in our hearts through the Holy Sprit given to us.
Ro 5:6 Yet indeed Christ, our being weak, yet in time died over the impious.
Ro 5:7 For rarely over a just one will someone die; for over the good perhaps someone dares even to die;
Ro 5:8 God then stands with His love for us, that we yet being sinners, Christ died over us.
Ro 5:9 Much more then, justified now in His blood, shall we be saved through Him from the wrath.
Ro 5:10 If indeed enemies being, we were reconciled to God through the death, the one of His Son, much more having been reconciled, shall be saved by His life;
Ro 5:11 not only then, but also boasting in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom now the reconciliation we received.
Ro 5:12 Through this, just as through one man the sin entered into the world and through the sin, the death, and thus into all men the death came through, upon which all sinned;
Ro 5:13 for until law, sin was in the world, sin then is not charged, no law existing,
Ro 5:14 but the death reigned from Adam until Moses and upon those not having sinned upon the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of the one coming.
Ro 5:15 But not as the transgression, thus also the gift; if indeed for the transgression of the one the many died, much more the grace of God also, the gift by grace, this of the one man Jesus Christ to the many abounded.
Ro 5:16 And not as through one sinning, the gift; the one indeed judgment from one to condemnation, the other grace from many transgressions to justification.
Ro 5:17 If indeed for the transgression of the one, the death reigned through the one, for many more the abundance of the grace and the gift of the justice receiving in life will reign through the one Jesus Christ. ~
Ro 5:18 So therefore as through one offence into all men into judgment, thus also though one justice into all men to justification of life; ~
Ro 5:19 For just as through the disobedience of one man the many were appointed sinners, thus also through the obedience of the one the many will be appointed just.
Ro 5:20 Law then entered, so that the offence may abound; where then the sin increased, the grace exceeded,
Ro 5:21 so that just as the sin reigned in the death, thus also the grace would reign through justice to life eternal through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ro 6:1 What therefore shall we say? “Let us continue in sin, that the grace would increase?”
Ro 6:2 May it not be. We who died to sin, how yet could we live in it?
Ro 6:3 Or know you not that, as were many baptized into Christ Jesus, into His death were baptized?
Ro 6:4 We were buried therefore with Him through the baptism into the death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, thus also we in newness of life should walk.
Ro 6:5 For if we have become identified with the likeness of His death, but also of the resurrection shall we be,
Ro 6:6 knowing this, that our old man was co‑crucified, that the body of sin may stop, we no longer to be slaves of sin,
Ro 6:7 for the one dying is justified from sin.
Ro 6:8 If then we died with Christ we believe that also, we will live with Him,
Ro 6:9 seeing that Christ, risen from the dead no longer dies, His death no longer lords.
Ro 6:10 For this He died, for this sin He died once; what then He lives, He lives to God.
Ro 6:11 Thus also reason yourselves to be dead to sin, living then to God in Christ Jesus.
Ro 6:12 Therefore let not the sin rule in your mortal body, to obey its desires,
Ro 6:13 neither present your members, weapons of injustice, but present yourselves to God as from the dead, living, and your members weapons of justice to God.
Ro 6:14 For sin shall not lord you, for you are not under law but under grace.
Ro 6:15 What therefore? Shall we sin because we are not under law? May it not be.
Ro 6:16 See you not that, to whom you present yourselves slaves for obedience, you are slaves to whom you obey, either of sin to death or obedience to justice?
Ro 6:17 Thanks then to God that you were slaves of sin, then listened from heart to what type of teaching you were given,
Ro 6:18 freed then from the sin, you were enslaved to the justice.
Ro 6:19 I speak humanly for the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members slaves to the uncleanness and the lawlessness to the lawlessness, thus now you present your members slaves to the justice to sanctification.
Ro 6:20 For when you were slaves of the sin, you were free to the justice.
Ro 6:21 Therefore what fruit had you then? Over what now are you ashamed, for the end of those things, death.
Ro 6:22 Now then freed from the sin, slaves then to God, you have your fruit to sanctification, the end then, eternal life.
Ro 6:23 For the wages of sin, death, the gift then of God, life eternal in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Ro 7:1 Or are you ignorant, brothers, for I speak to knowing law, that the law lords over the man for the time he lives?
Ro 7:2 For the married woman was bound by law to the living husband; if then the husband died, she was released from the law of the husband.
Ro 7:3 So therefore from the husband living, she shall be called adulteress, if she became to another husband; if then the husband died, is free from the law, from this, not to be the adulteress, having become to another husband.
Ro 7:4 So then, my brothers, even you died to the law through the body of the Christ, to become you to another, to one raised from the dead, so that we would bear fruit to God.
Ro 7:5 For when we were in the flesh, the passions of the sins, which through the law were energized in our parts, for the fruit-bearing to death;
Ro 7:6 now then deenergized from the law, dead by what we had been restrained, so as to serve in newness of spirit and not oldness of letter.
Ro 7:7 What therefore shall we say? The law, sin? May it not be, rather I knew not the sin if not through law; for which also I had not seen covetousness, if the law said not, “You shall not covet.”
Ro 7:8 The sin then taking occasion through the commandment worked in me every covetousness; for without law sin, dead.
Ro 7:9 I then was alive when apart from law, then the commandment coming the sin lived again.
Ro 7:10 I then died and the commandment for life found me, this for death;
Ro 7:11 for the sin took occasion through the commandment deceived me and through it killed.
Ro 7:12 So then the law, good, and the commandment holy and just and good.
Ro 7:13 The good therefore became death to me? May it not be; rather the sin, so that it may appear sin through the good, worked death to me, so that it became to extreme sinful, this sin through the commandment.
Ro 7:14 For we see that the law is spiritual, I then am flesh sold under the sin.
Ro 7:15 For what I am working out I know not; for what I will not, this I practice, but what I hate, this I do.
Ro 7:16 If then what I will not, this I do, I say with the law, that good.
Ro 7:17 Now then I work not this out, rather the sin dwelling in me.
Ro 7:18 For I see that nothing lives in me, that is in my flesh, good; for what to will is ready to me, but the outworking the good, not;
Ro 7:19 for the good I will I do not, rather the evil I will not, this I practice.
Ro 7:20 If then what I will not, this I do, I work the same not out, rather the sin living in me.
Ro 7:21 I find thereupon the law, with the one willing to do the good, that in me the evil is present;
Ro 7:22 For I delight in the law of God in the inner man,
Ro 7:23 I look then at another law in my parts, waring with the law of my mind and captivating me with the law of the sin, the one being in these my members.
Ro 7:24 I, wretched man; who will deliver me from the body of this death?
Ro 7:25 Thanks then to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So therefore, I myself which with my mind serve the law of God, then with the flesh, law of sin.
Ro 8:1 Now then, no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.
Ro 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus freed you from the law of sin and death.
Ro 8:3 For the inability of the law in which, weak through the flesh, God His own Son, sending in likeness of sinful flesh and about sin, condemned the sin in the flesh,
Ro 8:4 so that the ordinance of the law may be fulfilled in us, who not by flesh walkabout, but by Spirit.
Ro 8:5 Those indeed by flesh being, things from the flesh think, those then by Spirit, things from the Spirit.
Ro 8:6 Indeed the mind of the flesh, death, the mind then of the Spirit, life and peace;
Ro 8:7 because the mind of the flesh, enmity toward God, indeed to the law of God subordinates not, nor indeed is able;
Ro 8:8 Those then in flesh being, to please God are not able.
Ro 8:9 You then are not in flesh, but in Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. If now any has not the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.
Ro 8:10 If then Christ in you, the body dead through sin, the spirit then alive through justice.
Ro 8:11 If then the Spirit of whom raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He raising Christ from the dead will make alive also your mortal bodies, through His indwelling Spirit in you.
Ro 8:12 So then, brothers, we are obligated not by the flesh, of which to live by flesh,
Ro 8:13 if indeed by flesh you live, you are about to die; if then by Spirit the acts of the body you kill, you will live.
Ro 8:14 As many indeed by the Spirit of God are led, these are sons of God.
Ro 8:15 No indeed, received you a spirit of slavery again to fear, but you received a spirit of adoption in which we cry, “Abba, Father.”
Ro 8:16 He, the Spirit, testifies with our spirit that we are children of God.
Ro 8:17 If then children, also heirs; heirs of God, co-heirs then of Christ, if indeed we suffer together, so that also we be glorified together.
Ro 8:18 I indeed consider not worthy, the sufferings of this time now, for the coming glory to be revealed to us.
Ro 8:19 The anticipation indeed of the creation, the revealing of the sons of God, awaits.
Ro 8:20 Indeed to futility the creation was subordinated, not willing, but by the one subordinating, upon hope
Ro 8:21 that also she the creation will be freed from the slavery of the corruption to the freedom of the glory of the children of God.
Ro 8:22 We see indeed that all creation groans and travails together until now;
Ro 8:23 not only then, but also these the beginning of the Spirit having, we also these in ourselves groan adoption awaiting, the redemption of our body.
Ro 8:24 For in the hope we were saved; hope then seeing is not hope; for what is seen hopes anyone?
Ro 8:25 If then what we see not we hope for, with endurance we anticipate.
Ro 8:26 Similarly then also the Spirit assists our weakness; for what we might pray as necessary we know not, yet the Spirit Himself intercedes with speechless groans;
Ro 8:27 One then searching the hearts sees the mind of the Spirit, that according to God He intercedes for saints.
Ro 8:28 We see then that with those loving God He works all together into good, with those by plan being called.
Ro 8:29 Because those He foreknew, He also foreordained conformed from the image of His Son, so to be Himself Firstborn among many brothers;
Ro 8:30 those then He foreordained, these also He called; and those He called, these also He justified; those then He justified, these also He glorified.
Ro 8:31 What therefore shall we say to these? If God for us, who against us?
Ro 8:32 Who indeed His own Son spared not, but for us all gave Him over, how not also, with Him, will He grace to us everything?
Ro 8:33 Who shall call down God’s elect? God is justifying;
Ro 8:34 who will be condemning? Christ Jesus Who died, more then being raised, Who also is at the right of God, Who also intercedes for us.
Ro 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Tribulation or distress or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword?
Ro 8:36 Just as it is written, that
For your sake we are killed the whole day,
We were considered as sheep of slaughter.
Ro 8:37 But in all these we overcome through Him who loved us.
Ro 8:38 I indeed have been persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers nor things present nor things future nor powers
Ro 8:39 nor height nor depth nor any other creation shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Ro 9:1 Truth I say in Christ, I lie not, my conscience testifying with me in the Holy Spirit,
Ro 9:2 that my pain is great, even the unceasing suffering in my heart.
Ro 9:3 For I could pray to be accursed, I myself, from Christ over my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh,
Ro 9:4 those who are Israelites, of whom the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the legislation and the service and the promises,
Ro 9:5 of whom the fathers and from whom the Christ according to the flesh, which of whom over all, God blessed into the ages, amen.
Ro 9:6 Not so then that the word of God has fallen out. For not all those from Israel are themselves Israel;
Ro 9:7 nor even that Abraham’s seed are all children, rather, “In Isaac seed shall be called to you.”
Ro 9:8 This is not the children of the flesh, these children of God, rather, the children of the promise are reckoned as seed;
Ro 9:9 of the promise therefore this word, “At this time, I shall come, and there will be in Sarah a son.”
Ro 9:10 Not only then, rather also Rebecca from one having conceived, Isaac our father;
Ro 9:11 for not yet begotten nor then practicing anything good or foul, that this according to choice, the plan of God would remain,
Ro 9:12 not from works, rather from the calling it was said that, “The greater will serve the lesser,”
Ro 9:13 Even as written, “Jakob I loved, then Esau I hated.”
Ro 9:14 What therefore shall we say? “Injustice with God”? May it not be.
Ro 9:15 For to Moses He says, “I shall have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”
Ro 9:16 Then therefore not from the willing, nor from the running, rather from God having mercy.
Ro 9:17 For the scripture says to Pharaoh that, “For this thing I raised you out, that I would show in you My power and that My Name would be proclaimed in all the earth.”
Ro 9:18 Then therefore on whom He wills He has mercy, whom then He wills He hardens.
Ro 9:19 You will say to me therefore, “Why does He still blame? For who withstands His desire”?
Ro 9:20 O man, rather, who are you replying to God? The formed shall not say to the forming, “Why have you made me thus”?
Ro 9:21 Or has not the potter of the clay authority to make from the same batch one vessel for honor, another then for dishonor?
Ro 9:22 If then God, willing to show wrath and to make known His power bore with much longsuffering vessels of wrath prepared for destruction,
Ro 9:23 even that He may make known the wealth of His glory to vessels of mercy which He readied for glory?
Ro 9:24 These even, He called us not only from Jews but also from Gentiles,
Ro 9:25 as also in Hosea He says,
“I shall call the not My people, ‘My people’
And her not beloved, ‘Beloved.’”
Ro 9:26 “And it shall be in the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not My people,’
There they shall be called sons of the living God.”
Ro 9:27 Isaiah then cries over Israel, “If be the number of the sons of Israel as the sand of the sea, the remnant will be saved;
Ro 9:28 for the word completing and concluding, the Lord will make upon the earth.”
Ro 9:29 And even as Isaiah foretells,
“If the Lord of Sabaoth left us no seed,
as Sodom we would have become, even as Gomorra we would have been like.”
Ro 9:30 What therefore shall we say? That gentiles not pursuing justice obtained justice, the justice then by faith,
Ro 9:31 Israel then pursuing the law of justice arrived not at the law.
Ro 9:32 Why? Because not from faith rather as from works, they stumbled at the stone of stumbling;
Ro 9:33 even as written,
“Behold, I lay in Zion a stone of stumbling and rock of offense, and one believing upon Him shall not be ashamed.”
Ro 10:1 Brothers, the indeed good pleasure of my heart and supplication to God for them to salvation.
Ro 10:2 I testify indeed to them that zeal from God they have but not with knowledge;
Ro 10:3 Not knowing indeed the justice of God, and one’s own seeking to stand, to the justice of God they subordinated not.
Ro 10:4 End indeed of law, Christ, for justice to everyone believing.
Ro 10:5 Moses indeed writes the justice from the law that, “One doing them, man, shall live by them.”
Ro 10:6 This then from faith, justice, thus says, “Say not in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into the heaven?’ this is Christ to bring down;
Ro 10:7 or, ‘Who will descend into the abyss?’ this is Christ out of death to bring up.”
Ro 10:8 Rather what says it? “Near you the word is, in your mouth and in your heart, this is the word of the faith which we proclaim;
Ro 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth, Lord Jesus, and believe with your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
Ro 10:10 with heart indeed one believes to justice, with mouth then one confesses to salvation.
Ro 10:11 Says indeed the scripture, “Everyone believing upon Him will not be ashamed.”
Ro 10:12 No indeed is there difference of Jew nor even of Greek, indeed He, Lord of all, is rich in all those calling upon Him.
Ro 10:13 “All indeed who would call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Ro 10:14 How therefore would they call upon in whom they believed not upon? How then would they believe of whom they heard not? How then would they hear without a preacher?
Ro 10:15 How then would they preach if not sent? Even as it is written, “How timely, the feet of those proclaiming good news.”
Ro 10:16 But not all listened to the good news. Isaiah indeed says, “Lord, who believed our report?”
Ro 10:17 So the faith, from hearing, the hearing then through word of Christ.
Ro 10:18 But I say, they never heard. Rather,
“Into all the earth went their voice,
And to the limits of dwelling their words.”
Ro 10:19 But I say, not Israel, it knew not. First Moses says,
“I will make you jealous over no nation,
Over a nation without understanding will I anger you.”
Ro 10:20 Isaiah then is bold and says,
“I was found by those not seeking me,
Visible I became to those not inquiring over me.”
Ro 10:21 To then the Israel he says,
“The whole day I spread out my hands
To a people disobeying and contradicting.”
Ro 11:1 I say therefore, God pushed not away His people? May it not be; for indeed, I am an Israelite, from seed Abraham, of tribe Benjamin.
Ro 11:2 “God rejected not His people” whom He foreknew. Or see you not in Elijah what the scripture says, as he appeals to God against Israel?
Ro 11:3 “Lord, Your prophets they killed, your altars they tore down, and I alone remain, and they seek my soul.”
Ro 11:4 But the oracle says what to him, “I left for Myself seven thousand men, anyone who bent no knee to Baal.”
Ro 11:5 Thus therefore also at this time, remnant by choice of grace happens;
Ro 11:6 if then by grace, no longer from works, since the grace no longer becomes grace.
Ro 11:7 What therefore? What seeks Israel, this obtained not, the choice then obtained, those then left were hardened,
Ro 11:8 just as written,
“God gave these a spirit of stupor, eyes of which to see not and ears of which to hear not, until this day today.”
Ro 11:9 And David says,
“Let their table become snare and trap,
And stumbling block and retribution to them.
Ro 11:10 Let their eyes be darkened from which to see not
And their back bend through all.”
Ro 11:11 I say therefore, they stumbled not that they fell? May it not happen, rather, by their transgression, the salvation for the gentiles, for which to make them jealous.
Ro 11:12 If then their transgression, wealth of the world and their failure, wealth of gentiles, how much more their fulfillment.
Ro 11:13 To you then I say, to the gentiles, upon as much indeed therefore, I am of gentiles an apostle, my ministry I glorify,
Ro 11:14 if somehow I may provoke my flesh to jealousy, and save some from them.
Ro 11:15 If indeed their rejection, world reconciliation, what the acceptance, if not life from the dead?
Ro 11:16 If then the first fruit holy, also the mix; and if the root holy, also the branches.
Ro 11:17 If then some of the branches were broken off, you then being wild olive were ingrafted among them and became a fellow of the fatness of the olive root,
Ro 11:18 boast not against the branches; if then you boast, you bear not the root, but the root, you.
Ro 11:19 You will say therefore, “Branches were broken off that I could be ingrafted.”
Ro 11:20 Well. By their unbelief they were broken off, you then by your faith stand. Think not high, rather fear;
Ro 11:21 if indeed the God of the branches by nature spared not, neither will He spare you.
Ro 11:22 See therefore kindness and severity of God; upon those falling severity, upon you then kindness of God, if you remain in the kindness, otherwise also you will be cut out.
Ro 11:23 Those also then, if they remain not in unbelief will be ingrafted; for God is able to ingraft them again.
Ro 11:24 If indeed you from the by nature were cut out from a wild olive, and from nature ingrafted into the cultivated, how much more these the by nature will be ingrafted to one’s own olive.
Ro 11:25 I indeed want you not to be ignorant, brothers, this mystery, so that you would not be from yourselves wise, that hardness by part to Israel has happened until from which the fullness of the gentiles has come in;
Ro 11:26 and thus all Israel will be saved, just as written,
“There will come from Zion the Deliverer,
He will turn away ungodliness from Jakob.
Ro 11:27 “And this with them, the covenant with me,
When I take away their sins.”
Ro 11:28 By the good-news enemies because of you, by then the choice beloveds, because of the fathers;
Ro 11:29 without regret indeed, the gifts and the call of God.
Ro 11:30 For just as you, when you disobeyed God, and now are pitied to their disobedience,
Ro 11:31 thus also these now disobeyed to your pity, that also these may be pitied.
Ro 11:32 For God closed them all in disobedience, that He may pity them all.
Ro 11:33 O depth of wealth
and wisdom and knowledge of God;
as unsearchable His judgments
and inscrutable His ways.
Ro 11:34 For, “who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who became His counselor?”
Ro 11:35 Or, “who gave to Him,
And it will be given back to Him?”
Ro 11:36 Since, from Him and through Him and to Him, all things;
To Him, the glory into the ages, amen.
Ro 12:1 I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, your reasonable worship,
Ro 12:2 and be not patterned to this age, rather be transformed by the renewal of the mind to prove what is the will of God, the good and pleasing and perfect.
Ro 12:3 For I say through the grace given to me, to each one being among you, not to think highly beyond what is necessary to think, rather to think for the sound mind, to each as God divides a measure of faith.
Ro 12:4 For just as in one body we have many parts, the parts then have not all the same practice,
Ro 12:5 thus we the many are one body in Christ, then for one the parts of one another.
Ro 12:6 Having then different gifts from the grace given to us, if prophecy for the analogy of the faith,
Ro 12:7 if service, in the service, if one teaching, in the teaching,
Ro 12:8 if one encouraging in the encouragement, one giving in simplicity, one leading in diligence, one having mercy in cheerfulness.
Ro 12:9 Love, unhypocritical. Abhorring the evil, joining the good,
Ro 12:10 in brotherly love toward one another loving dearly, in honor leading one another,
Ro 12:11 in speed not reluctance, being hot in the Spirit, serving the Lord,
Ro 12:12 in hope rejoicing, in tribulation enduring, in prayer devoted,
Ro 12:13 in the needs of the saints communing, the love of strangers pursuing.
Ro 12:14 Bless those persecuting, bless and curse not;
Ro 12:15 to rejoice with those rejoicing, to cry with those crying;
Ro 12:16 thinking the same toward one another, not proud thinking, but accommodating the lowly. Be not sensible from yourselves.
Ro 12:17 To no one evil against evil giving out, forethinking good before all men;
Ro 12:18 if possible, this from you, with all men, making peace;
Ro 12:19 not yourselves avenging, beloved, rather give place to the wrath, for it is written, “My vengeance, I will repay,” says the Lord.
Ro 12:20 “But if your enemy hungry, feed him; if thirsty, give him drink; for this doing you shall heap coals of fire upon his head.”
Ro 12:21 Be not conquered by the evil, rather conquer in the good, the evil.
Ro 13:1 Every soul subordinate to governing authorities. For there is no authority except under God, those then being under God are ordered.
Ro 13:2 So then one ordered against the authority sets against the ordinance from God, those then having set themselves against shall receive judgment.
Ro 13:3 For rulers are not a fear for the good work, but for the evil. Want then not to fear the authority? Do the good, and you shall have praise from it;
Ro 13:4 For it is a minister of God to you for the good. If then you do the evil, fear; for it bears not the sword vainly; for it is a minister of God from justice for wrath for the one practicing the evil.
Ro 13:5 Therefore necessity to be subordinate, not only because of wrath, but also because of conscience.
Ro 13:6 For because of this also you pay taxes; for they are ministers of God, devoted to this same thing.
Ro 13:7 Give to all their dues, to whom the tax the tax, to whom the duty the duty, to whom the fear the fear, to whom the honor the honor.
Ro 13:8 Owe nothing to anyone, except to love one another; for one loving the other has fulfilled law.
Ro 13:9 For it, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not steel, you shall not covet, and if any other commandment, in this word is recapitulated, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Ro 13:10 Love for neighbor works no evil; fulfillment therefore of law, love.
Ro 13:11 And this, having known the time, that ready hour for you to rise from sleep, for now salvation, nearer you than when we believed.
Ro 13:12 The night advanced, the day then near, let us lay aside therefore the works of darkness, let us dress in the weapons of light.
Ro 13:13 As in day let us walk about decently, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in beds and licentiousness, not in strife and jealousy,
Ro 13:14 rather, dress in the Lord Jesus Christ and of the flesh make no forethought in desire.
Ro 14:1 One then being weak in faith receive, not in judgment of reasonings.
Ro 14:2 One believes to eat all things, another then weak eats vegetables.
Ro 14:3 One eating, despise not one not eating, one then not eating, judge not one eating, for God received him.
Ro 14:4 Who are you to judge another’s house slave? To one’s own lord he stands or falls; He will be stood then, for the Lord is able to stand him.
Ro 14:5 One judges day beside day, another then judges every day; let each in one’s own mind be fulfilled.
Ro 14:6 One thinking the day, to the Lord he thinks; and one eating, to the Lord eats, for he thanks God; and one not eating, to the Lord he eats not and thanks God.
Ro 14:7 For no one of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself;
Ro 14:8 for if then we live, to the Lord we live; if then we die, to the Lord we die. If then therefore we live, if then we die, we are the Lord’s.
Ro 14:9 For to this Christ died and lived, so that even the dead and living he may lord.
Ro 14:10 You then why judge your brother? Or you also why despise your brother? For we all will stand before the judgement seat of God,
Ro 14:11 for it is written, “I live, says the Lord, that to me every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess to God.”
Ro 14:12 So then each of us about himself shall give an account to God.
Ro 14:13 Let us therefore no longer judge one another; rather judge this more, not to put stumbling to the brother nor snare.
Ro 14:14 I have seen and been persuaded in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is common by itself, except to the one thinking it common, to that one it is common.
Ro 14:15 For if through food your brother is hurt, no longer are you walking from love; destroy not for your food, that over which Christ died.
Ro 14:16 Let not therefore your good be defamed.
Ro 14:17 For the reign of God is not eating and drinking, but justice and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit;
Ro 14:18 for one in this slaving for Christ, well-pleasing to God and approved by men.
Ro 14:19 So therefore, these of the peace we pursue and these of the building, of that for one another.
Ro 14:20 For sake of food destroy not the work of God. All indeed pure, but evil for the man eating with stumbling.
Ro 14:21 Good to not eat meat, nor then drink wine, nor then in what your brother stumbles.
Ro 14:22 What faith you have, have to yourself before God. Blessed, the one not judging himself by what he approves;
Ro 14:23 one then doubting, if he eats is condemned, that not from faith; all then not from faith is sin.
Ro 15:1 We ourselves then the able ought to bear with the weaknesses of the unable, and not to please ourselves.
Ro 15:2 Each of us for neighbor please for the good, for building;
Ro 15:3 For even the Christ pleased not Himself, rather just as written: “The reproaches of those reproaching you fell upon me.”
Ro 15:4 For as much was forewritten, for our instruction was written, so that through the perseverance and the comfort of the scriptures, we would have hope.
Ro 15:5 The God then of the perseverance and the comfort give you the same to think with one another about Christ Jesus,
Ro 15:6 so that unanimously, with one mouth, you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ro 15:7 Therefore receive one another, just as also the Christ receives you for the glory of God.
Ro 15:8 For I say Christ has become a servant of circumcision over truth from God, so to confirm the promises of the fathers,
Ro 15:9 those nations then over mercy to glorify God, just as written:
“Through these shall I confess you among nations,
Also for the Name shall I sing.”
Ro 15:10 And again says:
“Rejoice nations with His people.”
Ro 15:11 And again:
“Praise, all the nations, the Lord
And praise Him all the peoples.”
Ro 15:12 And again, Isaiah says:
“The root shall be of Jesse
And one arising to rule nations,
Upon Him shall nations hope.”
Ro 15:13 The God of the hope then fill you with all joy and peace in the believing, to your abounding in the hope in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Ro 15:14 I have then been persuaded, my brothers, even I myself about you, that you yourselves also are full of goodness, having been filled with all knowledge, able even to admonish one another.
Ro 15:15 More boldly then I wrote you in part as reminding you through the grace given to me by God,
Ro 15:16 I to be minister of Christ Jesus to the nations, as priest of the gospel of God, so that the offering of the nations becomes acceptable, having been sanctified in the Holy Spirit.
Ro 15:17 I therefore have boasting in Christ Jesus, things about God;
Ro 15:18 for I dare not to speak anything which Christ worked not through me for the obedience of the nations, in word and deed,
Ro 15:19 in power of signs and wonders, in power of the Spirit of God; so that I from Jerusalem and around until Illyricum, fulfilled the gospel of Christ,
Ro 15:20 thus then love-honoring to gospel-preach not where Christ has been named, that I would not build upon another’s foundation,
Ro 15:21 but just as written:
Those not informed about Him shall see;
And those not having heard shall understand.
Ro 15:22 Wherefore also, I have been prevented the many from coming to you;
Ro 15:23 now then no longer having place in these regions, having then longing to come to you for many years,
Ro 15:24 as I go into Spain; for I hope in going, to see you also, to be sent there under you, if from you first in part I may be filled.
Ro 15:25 Now then, I go to Jerusalem, serving the saints.
Ro 15:26 For Macedonia and Achaia were well‑pleased to make some share to the poor of the saints in Jerusalem.
Ro 15:27 For they were well‑pleased, also they were their debtors; for if in their spirituals the nations shared, also in the carnals, to minister to them.
Ro 15:28 This therefore purposing and sealing to them this fruit, I will depart through you to Spain;
Ro 15:29 I have seen then that coming to you in fulness of Christ’s blessing, I shall come.
Ro 15:30 I encourage you then, brothers, through our Lord Jesus Christ, also through the love of the Spirit, to strive with me in the prayers over me to God,
Ro 15:31 so that I may be delivered from those disobedient in Judea and my service to Jerusalem may become acceptable to the saints,
Ro 15:32 so that in joy, coming to you through the will of God, I may rest with you.
Ro 15:33 The God then of peace, with all of you, amen.
Ro 16:1 I commend then to you Phoebe our sister, being also servant of the church in Cenchrea,
Ro 16:2 so that you receive her in the Lord worthy of saints, and stand by her in whatever matter she needs you; for she also became a patroness of many, and of me the same.
Ro 16:3 Greet Prisca and Aquila these my fellow workers in Christ Jesus,
Ro 16:4 who over my soul, which risked their own neck, for whom not I alone give thanks, but also all the churches of the nations,
Ro 16:5 and the church in their house. Greet Epaenetus, my beloved, who is first from Asia[1] in Christ.
Ro 16:6 Greet Mary, who worked much for you.
Ro 16:7 Greet Andronicus and Junias, my kinsman and my fellow‑prisoners, who are notable among the apostles, who also before me came to be in Christ.
Ro 16:8 Greet Ampliatus, my beloved in the Lord.
Ro 16:9 Greet Urbanus our fellow‑worker in Christ, and Stachys, my beloved.
Ro 16:10 Greet Apelles, tested in Christ. Greet those from Aristobulus.
Ro 16:11 Greet Herodion my kinsman. Greet those from Narcissus, those being in the Lord.
Ro 16:12 Greet Tryphaena and Tryphosa, those toiling in the Lord. Greet Persis the beloved, who toiled much in the Lord.
Ro 16:13 Greet Rufus, the chosen in Christ, also his mother and mine.
Ro 16:14 Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and the brothers with them.
Ro 16:15 Greet Philologus and Julia, Nereus and his brother, and Olympas, and all the saints with them.
Ro 16:16 Greet one another with holy kiss. They greet you, all the churches of the Christ.
Ro 16:17 I then encourage you, brothers, to notice those making dissentions and enticements beside the teaching which you learned, and lean‑away from them;
Ro 16:18 for these such to our Lord Christ, not servants, rather to their own belly, and through kind‑speech and good‑speech deceive the hearts of the innocent.
Ro 16:19 For your obedience has reached all. Over you therefore I rejoice. I want you then to be wise in the good, innocent then in the evil.
Ro 16:20 The God then of peace will subdue Satan under your feet with speed. The grace of our Lord Jesus with you.
Ro 16:21 Timothy my coworker greets you, and Luke and Jason and Sosipater my kinsmen.
Ro 16:22 I greet you, I Tertius writing this letter, in the Lord.
Ro 16:23 Gaïus my host greets you, and the whole church. Erastus the city manager greets you and Quartus the brother.
Ro 16:24[2]
Ro 16:25 To the one then able to establish you by my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, by revelation of mystery in time, for ages having been silent,
Ro 16:26 appearing then, now through prophetic scriptures by command of the eternal God for the obedience of faith for all the nations made known,
Ro 16:27 to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, to whom the glory into the ages, amen.
[1] Province of Asia Minor
[2] Later manuscripts add verse Rom. 16:24